CirQ-Life Plus 循血寧 (特效)


功效Function :
或有助於 May assist in:

  •  穩定情緒 Calm and Steady Emotions
  • 減輕視力退化 Vision Degradation
  • 改善便祕 Constipation
  • 養宮添喜 Conception
  • 良好血循環 Good circulation
  • 提升活力 Vitality
  • 減輕慢性發炎 Reducing chronic inflammation
  • 增強吸收力 GI Absorption



使用方法 How to use:

每日兩次 (早上空腹及睡前),每次一至兩粒
Take 1-2 gelcapsule on an empty stomach twice daily once in the morning and once in the evening.


注意 Caution:

Not to be consumed by pregnant women or children under 18 unless under the supervision of a physician


成分 Ingredients:

Resveratrol, Cordyceps extract, Colostrum extract, Forskohlii root extract, Methocel


產品規格 Content:

  • 60粒 (膠囊) 60 capsules (gelcapsules)

貨號: CIRQLP 分類: ,



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